Basecamp CEO and co-founder Jason Fried on Farnam Street podcast
A great podcast interview with Jason Fried by Shane Parrish.
For Discussion; Comment on the following thoughts from Jason on the issues with the education system and how we can make the school system more relevant for 21st century jobs.
The thing that surprises me most about people coming out of school is how poorly school teaches people how to write, and communicate actually. I read cover letters … I’m just surprised that you can graduate college and not really know how to explain yourself well, not really know how to get to the point, not really understand what it’s like to make your case, or to make a case, and that just surprises me. And I think it’s unfortunate and I don’t know if it’s a matter of writing not being taught properly, or the type of writing that’s being taught in school being very academic-based versus actually communication?