Developing Skills- Go for targeted professional development courses and micro mastery

Ismail Ali Manik
1 min readJan 30, 2018


Dorie Clark has new short e-book out on mentorship. All of her publications are highly recommended. She has several short courses on LinkedIn Learning as well.

One advice that struck me was the following in the book, Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future.

Going back to graduate school shouldn’t be your default option. If it’s not mandatory for your chosen field, think hard about whether the debt and time out of the workforce is worth it. The most prestigious schools have powerful brand value and alumni networks that can turbocharge your career, but that’s not the case for most programs. Ask yourself if there are other, cheaper ways you can obtain the knowledge you want.

Micro Mastery appears to be the wave of the future for quick skill acquisition. One avenue are MOOCs - through Micro Masters or Nanodegree or even Masterclass, and The Great Courses you can quickly acquire new skills.

The other option is find a good mentor to guide you and advice you on issues in real time.




Ismail Ali Manik

Uni. of Adelaide & Columbia Uni NY alum; World Bank, PFM, Global Development, Public Policy, Education, Economics, book-reviews, MindMaps, @iamaniku