How Change Happens- Book Recommendation of the Day
“One of the most interesting aspects of the OMB memorandum is that it asks agencies to consider whether disclosure might further their “core missions.” That is an exceedingly important idea, which deserves far more agency use in the future, and it involves disclosure of outputs.
I have offered just a few illustrations of disclosures whose goal is to promote agency missions through output transparency. An excellent collection, generally including outputs, can be found in the numerous action plans from dozens of nations of the Open Government Partnership (see It is, of course, an empirical question whether transparency will promote agency missions. But in many cases, it can.9 (It is said that China’s interest in air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions has been greatly spurred by the ready availability of the air quality index on cell phones.) Because the costs of output transparency are typically low, there is every reason to adopt a presumption in its favor.”
Sunstein, Cass.. How Change Happens