How Design Makes The World
Book recommendation of the day — How Design Makes the World.
Everything in your life was designed by someone. Look at the chair you sit in, the software you use or the organization you work for: they were all made by other people. The boundaries of nations on maps and the names of the towns you’ve lived in were all chosen by people, too. Except for the natural world, if you look at everything you have ever loved, hated, used or purchased (and even the money you used to pay for it), it was all designed and made by human beings. Designers made hundreds of decisions over weeks, months or years to create these things in your life. They had many possible choices, but you only get to experience their final decisions, for better or for worse.
Scott’s favorite book for us- The Year Without Pants.
For Discussion:
But why then are Norman doors so common? Or, more importantly, why do so many things in our daily lives have flaws built into them?