Letters to a Minister of Education
Book recommendation of the day — Letters to a New Minister of Education — by Fernando M. Reimers (Author), Sergio Cardenas (Contributor), Claudia Costin (Contributor), Nuno Crato (Contributor), Isak Froumin(Contributor), Luis E. Garcia de Brigard (Contributor), Otto Granados (Contributor), Eric Jamieson (Contributor), Monal Jayaram (Contributor), Igor Remorenko (Contributor)
Fernando Reimers, editor of the volume, lays out in his introduction that “Policies are intentions, and implementation and execution are what enable those intentions to produce results. Ultimately, a Minister is accountable for results, not for intentions.” Oon-Seng Tan, a prominent education professor in Singapore, adds in his 10 commandments for effective teacher policies, the counsel to “Ensure coherence for effective implementation. Remember the whole is more than the sum of its parts when it comes to effective policy implementation.”
— Lessons for a New Minister of Education from People Who’ve Had the Job